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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products
Volume-1 Issue-1, 2015, Page No:1-9

Hematological and Clinical Changes in Rabbits Exposed to Cassia Senna

Al-Zubaedi Raad Mahmood

Department of Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine University of Diyala, Iraq

Citation : Al-Zubaedi Raad Mahmood, Hematological and Clinical Changes in Rabbits Exposed to Cassia Senna International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products. 2015;1(1):1-9.


Background and objectives: Senna alexandrina Miller. (Cassia Senna) is one of the most commonly used laxative drugs in the Eastern and Western countries for the treatment of constipation. The main objective of this study is the experimental screening of the toxicity of Cassia Sennato assure its safety and effectiveness.
Methods: In the first part a piolet study was conducted on 5 mature male albino rabbits of 1-1.5 kg .The rabbits exposed to Senna in a powder form mixed with diet in pellet form at a dose rate of 4 gm daily for 12 days .In the second part of the study healthy mature albino rabbits of 1 -1.5 kg body weight , of either sex, ,were divided into 4 groups of eight rabbits each, group 1 exposed to 4 gm / kg b.wt / day .plant with diet , 2nd group exposed to plant in decoction form at a dose 1 gm / kg / day, 3rd group as aqueous extract at a doe 100 mg / kg / day , and 4th group as alcohol extract at a dose 50 mg / kg b.wt / day for 20 says .
Results: First Part: The main clinical sings that appeared on animals of the experiments was the soft feces during the time of experiment. Body weight, body temperature, respiratory rates were none significantly changed. Heart rates significantly increased in day 2. Bleeding and clotting times were significantly increased during all time of experiment. Total leucocytes count, eosinophils%, Heterophils % Monocytes %, Lymphocytes% showed none significant changes .Basophiles% significantly decreased in day 11. Hemoglobin concentration significantly decreased in day 11. PCV significantly decreased in day 4 and 11. MCV significantly decreased in day 4. MCH significantly decreased in day 4.Second part: The results revealed that body weight in the four groups did not show significant changes as it either increased or decreased none significantly, Body temperature significantly increased in 1st, 2nd groups. Heart rates in 2ndand 3rdgroups significantly increased. Respiratory rates in 1st, 2nd, 3rd groups significantly increased. In 4th group significantly decreased in day 7 but increased significantly in day 12. Bleeding time increased significantly in 1st, 2nd, 3rd groups significantly increased. In 4th group decreased significantly. Clotting time in 1stand 3rdgroups significantly increased. Total leucocytes count in 1st group significantly increased in day 22. Basophils% none significantly changed in all groups .Monocytes significantly increased in day 7 in 1stgroup, in 3rd group decreased significantly. Esinophils in 2nd group significantly increased. Heterophils % significantly decreased in 4thgroup.lymphocytes% in 2nd and 3rd group significantly increased.

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