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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 1-15

The Prophets Communication with Non-Human Creatures in the Holy Qur'an and Its Influence on the Calling to Islam

Dr. Majed Rajab Al - Abid Sukkar*

Assistant Professor of Tafseer (Interpretation) and Sciences of the Qur'an, Al - Aqsa University - Palestine.

Citation : Majed Rajab Al, Abid Sukkar, The Prophets Communication with Non-Human Creatures in the Holy Qur'an and Its Influence on the Calling to Islam International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications 2019, 5(1) : 1-15.


The study talks about the definition of communication and the relationship between it and contact, and then shows how the prophets communicate with other creatures, for example; the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him with the jinn ,trees and stones, and how the prophet David communicated with birds, And Solaiman with the jinn , with the ant and with the hoopoe, And it the researcher concluded a number of results, which have an important role in the history of calling to Islam, and the creativity in making dialogues with others.

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