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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 19-28

The Place of Local Radio in the Eradication of Harmful Widowhood Practices in North Central Nigeria

Prof. Okoro Nnanyelugo1, Ogwo, Comfort Ajuma2*

1.Department of Mass Communication, University Of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.
2.Department of Mass Communication, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria.

Citation : Prof.Okoro Nnanyelugo,Ogwo Comfort Ajuma, The Place of Local Radio in the Eradication of Harmful Widowhood Practices in North Central Nigeria International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications 2018, 4(2) : 19-28


Development is impracticable in the face of discrimination. Harmful widowhood practices against women amount to a denial of women's rights. This study examined the place of local radio in the eradication of harmful widowhood practices in North Central Nigeria. It investigated the extent of practice, their exposure to local radio, the extent to which the radio programmes address the issue and its influence on the attitude of the people towards its eradication. The study was anchored on the agenda setting theory and the social responsibility theory. It employed the survey method and used the questionnaire to elicit data from selected elders, community leaders and widows. Analysis of the data collected showed that widows are still subjected to some harmful practices, that the local radio airs programmes that are geared towards its eradication infrequently and that these practices affect widows negatively. The study recommends that concerted efforts must be made by the government, NGOs, agencies and programme producers to produce and air programmes that will lead to the eradication of harmful widowhood practices in North Central Nigeria.

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