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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: P 31-54

Epilepsy, Stigmatization and Media Campaigns: An Assessment of Rise Clinic Experience

Malachy Chukwunonso Onyema (Ms.C) 1, Ms. Uzoamaka Onyinye IkegwuonuChukwueloka(Ms.C)2

1. Lecturer, Wellspring University, Benin City, Nigeria.
2.Manager Rise Clinic, Participant, Nigeria Epilepsy Care Advanced Programme (NECAP),Nigeria.

Citation :Malachy Chukwunonso Onyema, Ms. Uzoamaka Onyinye IkegwuonuChukwueloka, Epilepsy, Stigmatization and Media Campaigns: An Assessment of Rise Clinic Experience International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications ,2017;3(2): 31-54.


Stigmatization associated with health related cases is often a challenge in health management. A person is stigmatized when he or she is a carrier of a dangerous disease such as HIV or Ebola. Epilepsy is a brain disorder that is symptomatic with seizures but the knowledge about the disease is always twisted with cultural mythology especially here in Nigeria. The study which was inspired by The Nigeria Epilepsy Care Advance Programme (NECAP) is set to determine patterns of media exposure on campaigns against epilepsy; impact of media campaign in seeking medical assistance; impact of media campaign in understanding epilepsy as a public health concern and to establish stigmatization as a threat to epileptic patients in social and cultural activities in the society. Indepth interviews were granted to 30 epileptic patients registered in RISE Clinic NECAP program. Also 400 non-epileptic persons were surveyed across the three senatorial zones using simple random sampling. It was discovered that there is poor media campaign against epilepsy and epileptic patients are usually stigmatized in our society. Therefore, government and nongovernmental organizations through the media should embark on public education and enlightenment

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