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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
Volume-2 Issue-1, 2016, Page No: 14-24

In-Vitro Assessment of Plankton Production Using Fish Hydrolysate

B.B. Sahu1, B.C. Mohapatra1, N.K. Barik1, H. Sahu1, P. Sahoo1, N.C. Biswal2, P.K. Mohanty2, U.L. Mohanty1, S. K. Mahanta1, P. Jayasankar1

1.ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar – 751002, Odisha, India.
2.Utkal University, Vani vihar, Bhubaneswar-751007, Odisha, India.

Citation : B.B. Sahu,,In-Vitro Assessment of Plankton Production Using Fish Hydrolysate International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries. 2016;2(1):14-24.


An experiment was conducted in glass jars for four weeks to assess the efficiency of fish hydrolysate (FH) of 0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 1.25 and 6.25 ml L-1 concentration on the production and growth of primary producers. T-3 (0.25 ml L-1) dose of FH has been found to maintain the water quality parameter to be within optimum level. And it ranged from pH (6.4-7.7), conductivity (312.0–355.3 μs/cm), alkalinity (51.3-86.0 mg/l), Hardness (38-86 mg/l), CO2 (2.0-6.7 mg/l), Ammonia (0-0.3mg/l), Nitrite (0-0.1 mg/l). Around 31 genre of phytoplankton belonging to Chlorophyceae (9), bacillarioyophyceae (8), cyanophyceae (7) and zooplankton (7) were identified. The results show that FH treatment 0.25 ml L-1 in T-3 enhances the phytoplankton and zooplankton production than other jar waters. So it has been recommended for application in aquaculture ponds as a biofertilizer for the well growth of the plankton species.

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