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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
Volume-1 Issue-2, 2015, Page No: 23-26

Is Central Indian Sundarbans Approaching towards Hypoxia?

Abhijit Mitra1*, Kakoli Banerjee2, Pardis Fazli2,and etc

1.Department of Marine Science, University of Calcutta, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata, India
2.School of Biodiversity & Conservation of Natural Resources, Central University of Orissa, Landiguda, Koraput , Odisha, India
3.Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University Putra, Selangor, Malaysia
4.Department of Civil Engineering, Techno India University, Salt Lake Campus, Kolkata, India
5.Department of Oceanography, Techno India University, Salt Lake Campus, Kolkata, India

Citation : Abhijit Mitra, Kakoli Banerjee, Pardis Fazli, Sujoy Biswas, Prosenjit Pramanick, Sufia Zaman, Is Central Indian Sundarbans Approaching towards Hypoxia? International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries . 2015;1(2):23-26.


Land-use change in the coastal zone has led to worldwide degradation of marine and coastal waters and a loss of the goods and services they provide. Here we perform an analysis on the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) level in the surface water off Jharkhali, a sampling station in the central Indian Sundarbans in the lower Gangetic delta region. Our three decade analysis in three different seasons (premonsoon, monsoon and postmonsoon) exhibits a gradual decrease in the DO value with the passage of time. The DO level varies as per the sequence monsoon > postmonsoon > premonsoon. The sudden rise of DO level during premonsoon 2009 is attributed to Aila, a super cyclone that passed across the lower Gangetic delta on 25th May, 2009 with a speed of ~110 km/hr. We also attempt to forecast in this paper the DO value in the sampling station during 2050.

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