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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 5, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 49-54

Application Caching & Clustering Techniques for Upgrading the Data Retrieval Performance in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Manets)

Y. J. Sudha Rani1*, B. Ravi Raju2

1.Research Scholar, Jntuh, Department of Cse, Smich, Hyderabad, India.
2.Assistant Professor, Department of It, Agi, Hyderabad, India.

Citation : Y. J. Sudha Rani, B. Ravi Raju, Application Caching & Clustering Techniques for Upgrading the Data Retrieval Performance in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Manets) International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2018, 5(2) : 49-54


Mobile advert Hoc Networks (MANETs) provide an appealing answer for networking within the situations wherein community infrastructure or carrier subscription is not to be had. Cooperative caching scheme can improve the accessibility of data gadgets. In this paper, we proposed a Cooperative group data caching scheme called cooperative group data statistics Caching (CGDSC) for improving information access performance in MANETs. The goal is to improve statistics availability and access performance through taking part cooperative sources of cell nodes. Cache resolution and cache management are the two problems of cooperative caching. To improve data availability and access efficiency, cooperative caching discovers statistics resources which set off much less verbal exchange fee by utilising neighbour group nodes. For cache control, cooperative caching increases the powerful ability of cooperative caches by way of minimizing caching duplications in the cooperation region and accommodating extra information types. We examine the performance of the organization facts Caching with the aid of the usage of GCC and compare it with the existing schemes including Neighbor caching and Zone Cooperative. The experimental outcomes show that the cache hit ratio is expanded by about eleven%~40% and the query delay about 34% finally the average latency is reduced with the aid of about five%~37% compared with other schemes.

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