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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 18-23

Modeling of the Pulp Density with Artificial Neural Networks

M.Sc.Deynier Montero Gongora1*,Eng.Yoandris Columbie Fornaris1,Eng.Keiler Cobas Cardoza1

Higher Mining Metallurgical Institute of Moa.

Citation : M.Sc.Deynier Montero Gongora,Eng.Yoandris Columbie Fornaris,Eng.Keiler Cobas Cardoza, Modeling of the Pulp Density with Artificial Neural Networks International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2018, 5(1) : 12-17


This investigation approaches the artificial neural networks applied to the pulp sedimentation process in carbonate-ammonia leaching. To carry out this research, the main variables that characterize the process were identified. Besides, it was collected the data that comprise a whole month of facility's operation. Furthermore, it was developed a regression analysis backwards, step by step, which allowed to determine that the linear correlation coefficient did not reach values higher than 0,7. In addition, it was pinpointed a two layered feed - forward back propagation neural network to model the pulp density. Thins one reached the correlation coefficient values of 0,91 during its training and validation, as well as 0,67 in its generalization.

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