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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2016, Page No: 20-23

Study of Recent Development in Medical Image Processing Using Computer Visualization Based Method

P.Alamelu1, P.Pragadeshkumar2, V.Annapoorani2

1.AVS Engineering College, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
2.Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India.

Citation : P.Alamelu,P.Pragadeshkumar,V.Annapoorani, Study of Recent Development in Medical Image Processing Using Computer Visualization Based Method International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2016, 3(5) : 20-23


The information extraction development of medical image, for instance Liver picture from exact camera, is complete of complexities and noises. As a result, cost used up on such processing like time and resources is high, particularly for big and complex quantity of information. This manuscript uses computer visualization-based methods to address the challenges. This method mainly includes four stages with unlike algorithms to deal with the medical liver images. Initially, smoothing algorithm is used to reduce the noise. Secondly, filtering algorithm is used for image study so as to recognize the target region. Thirdly, further enhancement algorithm is used to figure out the image features within the target area, finding out the basic outline of the image. Eventually, reduction algorithm is utilized to convert the original images into more smooth and precise pictures. Tentative results demonstrate that computer visualization-based medical image processing algorithm can accurately extract the relevant data and achieve better results, comparing with the traditional image processing method.

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