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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2016, Page No: 1-5

Study of Implementation of Image Analysis with Hardware and Software Co-Design on the Xilinx Platform

S.Karthik1, M.Sathishkumar1, N.Kannan1

1.AP/ECE, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India.

Citation : S.Karthik,M.Sathishkumar,N.Kannan, Study of Implementation of Image Analysis with Hardware and Software Co-Design on the Xilinx Platform International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2016, 3(5) : 1-5


Recently image processing applications are normally chosen in such fields as manufacturing computerization, safety, health, and traffic control in parallel with the development in technology. The most significant criterion for the applications used in these fields is to make sure the scheme to run at high speed and real time. Thus, FPGAs are usually used in such applications. In this paper, some of the essential real time images processing algorithms are implemented in a FPGA-based development kit. The Zed Board Znyq-7000 development kit produced by Xilinx Company was used in the study. As a effect of grayscale conversion and convolution operations, such applications as edge detection, sharpening and blurring were realized on the images taken by video source. The processed images were viewed by the use of a monitor coupled to HDMI output of the development kit. Verilog HDL was used for these operations. The RGB to grayscale conversion method is a commonly used method in image processing applications. The motive for the recurrent use of this way instead of colorful images is to decrease the computational requirements of the operations that will be performed on the image. In this means, a higher performance is obtained in these applications. There are more than a few ways of converting a RGB image to a gray image.

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