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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016, Page No: 35-43

Distributed Resource Allocation for D2DCommunication Networks Based in Game Theory

F. W. Zaki1,S. Kishk1, N. H. Almofari2

1.Communication and Electronics Dept. Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt.
2.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Yemen.

Citation : F.W.Zaki,S.Kishk,N.H.Almofari, Distributed Resource Allocation for D2DCommunication Networks Based in Game Theory International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2016, 3(4) : 35-43


The next generation expected to provide high data rate to handle the huge demand on new dataconsuming applications and services, Also the higher number of connected devices due to using new technologies such as internet of things (IoT) will make the challenge more difficult. New techniques must be used to face this challenges such as base station densification, use new high frequency bands, Machine to Machine (M2M) and Device to Device (D2D) communication. In heterogeneous multitier networks, D2D communication is used as underlay tier to enhance the system spectral efficiency and increase the data rate. This complicate the resource allocation process in this networks. Distributed algorithms is used to solve the resource allocation problems with low computational complexity.

In this paper, the allocation problem is formulated to maximize the system data rate while confiding the cochannel interference resulted from the D2D underlay tier which share the same resources with the cellular users. Auction based algorithm is used to solve the proposed allocation problem in distributed manner with very low complexity compared to the centralized methods.

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