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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016, Page No: 29-34

Coherent Access and Its Methods in Communication Engineering

Shashikant Patil1, Kaushal Hissaria1, Vanshika Agrawal1, Sanchiti Arora1

1.SVKMs NMIMS Shirpur Campus, India.

Citation : Shashikant Patil,Kaushal Hissaria,Vanshika Agrawal,Sanchiti Arora, Coherent Access and Its Methods in Communication Engineering International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2016, 3(4) : 29-34


In this paper we have addressed and reviewed the useful aspects of coherent access and its uses in the future of optical access networks. The scarcity of optical spectrum, the required flexibility, the effectiveness of coherent technique towards the future passive optical networks (PON) are important perspectives of the study carried out. The combination of techniques of coherent access is observed and interpreted. These are- Digital Signal processing, Nyquist Pulse shaping and coherent detection are described as key enablers of the future optical access networks. Also a method for coherent access such as by using Inferno meter is taken into account. Also a method of Coherent reception is discussed.

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