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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2016, Page No: 24-34

Assistive Technology for Intellectually Disabled and Physically Challenged People

Mr.Darshan.B1, Mr.Chethan Kumar.B.O2, Dr.P.A.Vijaya3

1.VIII sem BE, Dept of ECE BNMIT, Banglore, India
2.VIII sem BE, Dept of ECE BNMIT, Banglore, India
3.Professor and HOD, Dept of ECE BNMIT, Banglore, India.

Citation : Mr.Darshan.B,Mr.Chethan Kumar.B.O,Dr.P.A.Vijaya, Assistive Technology for Intellectually Disabled and Physically Challenged People International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2016, 3(2) : 24-34


Assistive technology is an embedded system which receives inputs from the disabled and provides them the desired service. The system can either be a hard real time system such as health monitoring system or a soft real time system which takes up requests that can be serviced later. The device consists of a choice selection pad which receives the input from the user. The choice pad can be either wireless or wired. The pad can be mounted on a wall so that it can be used by many disabled people or a separate pad with a unique id can be provided to each user. The disabled person will enter his choice of service using the pad. The module on receiving the selection will display the service name on the LCD screen and a vocal message will be announced. The assistant who is serving the disabled persons will hear the vocal message and respond to it by providing the service requested. If in case the assistant is located in a remote place a message containing information about the service request will be sent to his cell phone using a GSM module attached to the assistive module. Since GSM modules are used each user will be having a unique SIM number for the module which he is using, this helps the assistant to know the exact module or the user from which the request is originated. To receive the requests from several modules we use a GSM module at the receiving end. The GSM module will be connected to the laptop which will serve as a server for the storage of the requests

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