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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2015, Page No: 32-35

Review of Suppression of Artifacts for Example-Based Video Color Transfer

Amit Chavan1, P. R. Badadapure2

1.E& TC Department (Signal Processing) Imperial College of Engineering & Research Pune, India
2.Professor and Head (E& TC Department) Imperial College of Engineering & Research Pune, India

Citation : Amit Chavan,P.R.Badadapure, Review of Suppression of Artifacts for Example-Based Video Color Transfer International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2015, 2(3) : 32-35


In today's technological era human beings are mostly interested in quality and purity of photographs or images. With the digital camera's invention, capturing images has become extremely easy and widespread, while image data has become more robust and easy to manipulate. Among the many possible image-processing options, users have become increasingly interested in changing an image's tone or mood by altering its colors such as converting a tree's leaves from green to yellow to suggest a change of season. This could be achieved with the help of image manipulation by digital image processing. Even the product image consists of some artifacts such as Grain effect, Loss of details, Color distortion. One of the most common tasks in image processing is to alter an image's color (color transfer), because color has a large impact in forming the quality of image. Often this means removing a dominant and undesirable color cast. Example based video color transfer is a difficult technique which applies a unified framework to remove such artifacts. Proposed framework achieves fine grain suppression, Color fidelity and Details preservation. As an extension this method could be applied to each frame of video for video color transfer.

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