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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Forestry and Horticulture
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 8-15

Economic Analysis of Seedlings Plant Productions in Nurseries within Bauchi Metropolis in Nigeria

Ephraim K. Rabo1*, Abubakar E. Mazadu2

1.Department of Agric. Extension and Management, College Of Agriculture, Bauchi.
2.Department of Forestry Technology, College of Agriculture, Bauchi.

Citation : Ephraim K. Rabo, Abubakar E. Mazadu, Economic Analysis of Seedlings Plant Productions in Nurseries within Bauchi Metropolis in Nigeria International Journal of Forestry and Horticulture 2018, 4(3) : 8-15


Seedling nurseries are mean of self-employment opportunity that generates income with relatively low investment expenditure in the study area. This study examined the viability of seedling production in nurseries within Bauchi metropolis with the aim of investigating whether it is financially feasible for young to engage in seedling productions in order to reduce the rate of unemployment in the Bauchi metropolis. Eight wards were selected randomly within the metropolis, in each of the wards, five nurseries were randomly selected; in each nursery, 3 respondent was administered with the questionnaire. Most of the nursery operators were within the age of 18 to 35 years. This age bracket composed of youths and few adults; this implied that commercial nursery business in the study area can be greatly improved upon, since it is concentrated mostly in the hands of young and agile individuals. The seedlings identified at the nurseries consisted of 24 species; 14 ornamental species, 8 tree crops species and 4 forest species. The result of the economic analysis from this study showed that the rate of returns (RORT) was high with the highest returns on Golden Palm (N2,350), Ficus (N1,193.33), Yellow bush (N1,050) and Gmelina (N1,033.33). Inadequate funds and water supply were the major constraint to seedlings production in the study area; therefore, there is need for Government and NGOs to assist nursery operators with loan to start up or expand the existing nursery business. Nursery business is an attractive business to the people in the metropolis and specifically to the unemployed youths. There is great need for adoption of this enterprise in order to reduce poverty and unemployment rate in the study area.

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