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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Forestry and Horticulture
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 14-24

Studyon Measurement andDetermination Carbon Pool in Traditional Agroforestry System for Handling Climate Change

Jan Willem Hatulesila1, Cornelia M.A.Wattimena1, Ludia Siahaya1

1.Forestry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Pattimura University.

Citation : Jan Willem Hatulesila,Cornelia M.A.Wattimena,Ludia Siahaya, Studyon Measurement andDetermination Carbon Pool in Traditional Agroforestry System for Handling Climate Change International Journal of Forestry and Horticulture 2018, 4(2) : 14-24


The forest that is the lungs of the world plays a very important role in the continuity of life on earth. Forests absorb Co2 during the process of photosynthesis and decomposition as organic matter in plant biomass. Measurement of forest productivity by biomass measurement. Forest biomass provides important information in the predicted potential of Co2 and biomass sequestration in certain ages that can be used to estimate forest productivity. This research was conducted in the community forest of Hutumuri village as one of traditional agroforestry "dusung" in Ambon Island. Beside that data base can serve as a planner base for the development of large-scale forecasts of carbon stocks for total community forest of agroforestry patterns. The carbon measurement method is done in demonstration plot for tree, sapling and forest floor level. The results show the dominant plant species for plot I in the dominance of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), plot II durian (Durio zibethinus) and plot III duku (Lansium spp). The total measured biomass on tree vegetation was 58.52 tC / ha; forest floor was 1.71 tC / ha; top soil layer was 13 tC / ha, woody necromass was 33.56 kg / m2 ; rough and soft litter were 1.84 tC / ha, necromass was 67.16 tC / ha. Total biomass of Co2 sequestration in three plots of carbon measurement in community forest of Hutumury Village is 848,62 kg / m2 or 84,86 tC / ha. It can be classified in the Low Density Forest (HK 1). Therefore it is necessary to increase the cultivation of plants in the community forests of Hutumuri village to meet the requirements of sustainability in the ISCC system.

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