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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Forestry and Horticulture
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 35-45

Industrial Processing of Pickled and Pasteurized Onion (Allium Cepa L.)

Karl Kaack

Department of Food Science, University of Aarhus, Aarslev, Denmark

Citation :Karl Kaack, Industrial Processing of Pickled and Pasteurized Onion (Allium Cepa L.) International Journal of Forestry and Horticulture 2017,3(2) : 34-45


Common onion Allium cepa are grown around the world because of their delicious flavour, colour and several health promoting properties. A selection of nineteen field dried onion cultivars were frozen and stored for none, seven, sixty and nineteen days until measurement of the of pyruvic acid that is a measure for pungency and flavour. Onions from 'Hyduro' and 'Hygro' were stored three months at - 25° until processing of pickled onion using acetic acid only. Field dried onion from nineteen cultivars were peeled carefully, frozen, and analyzed for suitability for processing of pickled onion using acetic acid in order to improve acetic acid as the only supplied ingredient. The aim of this research was thereafter to study the possibilities for industrial processing of pickled onion with attractive sensory properties including flavour, colour, drained weight, texture, flavonoids after blanching, packing and cool storage. That included creation of recipices on the background of foods with pickles presented on the internet and by evaluation of possible ingredients and available processing equipment. Raw stored and frozen onion were evaluated for improvements of quality characteristics regarding peeling, cutting, blanching, packing and sensory properties.

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