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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2016, Page No: 30-36

Analysis of Unsignalized Intersection

B.Ramkumar1, B.Adinarayana2, Mane Sr Rohith2

1.M.Tech student,
2.Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering Aurora's Scientific Technological and Research Academy.

Citation : B.Ramkumar, B.Adinarayana, Mane Sr Rohith, Analysis of Unsignalized Intersection International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering 2016, 2(1) : 30-36


Signal timing is the technique which traffic engineers use to determine who has the right-of-way at an intersection. Signal timing involves deciding how much green time the traffic lights shall provide at an intersection approach, how long the pedestrian walk signal should be, and many numerous other factors.

Traffic volume studies are conducted to determine the number, movements, and classifications of roadway vehicles at a given location. These data can help identify critical flow time periods, determine the influence of large vehicles or pedestrians on vehicular traffic flow, or document traffic volume trends. The length of the sampling period depends on the type of count being taken and the intended use of the data recorded. For example, an intersection count may be conducted during the peak flow period. If so, manual count with 15- minute intervals could be used to obtain the traffic volume data.

Webster's method is a rational approach for signal design. The design is simple and is totally based on formulae's laid down by Webster. In this method, the total cycle of the signal is determined which forms a total least delay occurring at signal (least delay of road user).

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