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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015, Page No: 24-33

Efficiency Losses in Construction Sites; who is Responsible?

Egwunatum I. Samuel1, Akpokodje I. Ovie2

1.Department of Quantity Surveying Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Delta State Nigeria
2.Department of Civil Engineering Delta State Polytechnic P.M.B Ozoro, Delta State, Nigeria

Citation : Egwunatum I. Samuel, Akpokodje I. Ovie, Efficiency Losses in Construction Sites; who is Responsible? International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering 2015, 1(1) : 24-33


Claim in the construction industry is becoming spurious and worrisome particularly to clients and consultants. In many of such claim circumstances, labour continues to be a contentious issue. Inefficient use of labour in construction sites arising from disruption, work acceleration and brief's extension where identified in this study to result in efficiency losses in terms of Man - hour loss. This paper responded to the inquiry of efficiency losses in construction projects by a survey design using the Likert scale questionnaire. Stratified and systematic sampling techniques where adopted for this purpose with a target population of registered professionals in the three Niger-Delta states of Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers of Nigeria where the survey was conducted. Data collected was analyzed with mean items score. The study revealed that engineers on the basis of their frequent issuance of change orders are highly responsible for the occurrence of efficiency losses or productivity decline in construction projects.

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