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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 1-5

Hypoglycaemic Activity and Biochemical Effects of
Vernonia amygdalina with Diabenese in Normal and Diabetic Rats

Jones B.B1, Tabe N. N1, Ushie O A2*

1.Department of Chemical Science, Cross River University of Technology Calabar, Nigeria.
2.Department of Chemical Science, Federal University Wukari Nigeria.

Citation : Jones B.B, Tabe N. N, Ushie O A, Hypoglycaemic Activity and Biochemical Effects of Vernonia amygdalina with Diabenese in Normal and Diabetic Rats International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2018, 4(3) : 1-5.


This study examined the complications of diabetes mellitus resulting from increased free radical load compounded by toxicity of conventional drugs employed for treatment of the disordered. Herbs which are rich sources of vitamin C and E (antioxidants) may therefore alleviate these toxic side effects. The hypoglycaemic activity and biochemical effects of vernonia amygdalina, with diabenese in normal and diabetic rats were compared. Ethanollic extracts of V. amygdalinawere screened for their phytochemical constituents using standard methods. Biochemical effects were evaluated on alloxan induced diabetic rat (32) assigned into four study groups of eight rats each Group 1 (control) received diabinse (14.28mg/kg). V. amygdalina(40mg/kg) in 30% ethanol vehicle respectively by oral gavage. At the end of 21 day administration period blood serum was obtained from sacrificed animals and biochemical indices of toxicity (lipid profile, aminotransferases activity, serum protein, urea and albumin).

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