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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 6, Issue 6, 2019, Page No: 19-23

Calculation Method the Value of the Gravitational Constant for the Non-Equilibrium System of Mercury-Sun

S.I. Konstantinov*

Department of Physical Electronics, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg RSC "Energy", Russian Federation.

Citation : S.I. Konstantinov, Calculation Method the Value of the Gravitational Constant for the Non-Equilibrium System of Mercury-Sun International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2019, 6(6) : 19-23.


Kepler-Newton's observational astronomy allowed to determine the value of the gravitational constant for the planet Mercury leads to a modification of Newton's law of gravity and giving up of Einstein's General Relativity when considering non-equitable systems. In the article the results of numerical modeling of the precession of the perihelion of the orbit of Mercury in the framework of the modification of Newton's law of gravity are given.

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