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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 6, Issue 6, 2019, Page No: 1-11

Creation and Evolution of the Galaxy in the Universe Model with Initial Minimum Entropy

Petro O. Kondratenko

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Citation : Petro O. Kondratenko, Creation and Evolution of the Galaxy in the Universe Model with Initial Minimum Entropy International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2019, 6(6) : 1-11.


In this article, based on the model of the creation of the Universe with the initial minimal entropy, the structure of spiral galaxies and in particular the Milky Way Galaxy is considered. It is shown that the Galaxy from the time of the birth of the Universe expands by expanding the space at a constant speed of ~1100 m/s, and its shape evolves so much that at present the velocity of the orbital motion of stars within the galactic disk is approximately the same. In the center of the Galaxy, due to the development of chaos caused by the great density of stars, a spherical region with a constant density of matter is formed; resulting in a period of rotation around the center of the Galaxy in this part of the Galaxy is a constant value for all the stars. Due to the chaos in the movement of stars in the center of the Galaxy, which lasted a limited time billions of years after the birth of the Universe, there was a collision of stars, resulting in the formation of a black hole or a few black holes in the center of the Galaxy. In the formation of the halo two processes are involved. The first one was manifested immediately after the birth of the galaxy due to the collapse of atomic nuclei in the nucleus of the stars. The second process involves the development of chaos in the central part of the Galaxy, in which the upper layers of the interacting stars were thrown outside the Galaxy. The absorption of a substance by a central black hole causes the ejection of the Scalar Field from the black hole poles. The Scalar Field generates the fluxes of the fast particles that feed the Fermi bubbles. Galactic Arms of varying power and central bar originated in pairs as a result of the absorption of lighter black holes by the central black hole. In this case, the excess kinetic energy forms streams of the Scalar Field, which in turn forms Galactic Arms and central bar. The configuration of Galactic Arms remains unchanged, since the shock waves are not related to the orbital motion of stars around the center of the Galaxy.

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