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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 6, Issue 3, 2019, Page No: 5-23

How the Entanglement Hologram Enhances the Nuclear Fusion and the Battery Effect of Light Irradiation of Hydrogen/ Deuterons Layer on Metals and Graphene

Stefan Mehedinteanu

CITON - Center of Technology and Engineering for Nuclear Projects (retired) Atomistilor no. 409, BucharestMagurele, Romania.

Citation : Stefan Mehedinteanu,How the Entanglement Hologram Enhances the Nuclear Fusion and the Battery Effect of Light Irradiation of Hydrogen/ Deuterons Layer on Metals and GrapheneInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2019, 6(3) :5-23.


Based on the previously author works about models on nucleons structure and on the bias current inside valence nucleons during β - decay stimulation by a laser, in the present one is analyzed the feasibility of these experiments. Thus, by using QM&&MD programme: fhi98md is confirmed the apparition of high Hydrogen (Deuterium) coverage (at ~pm distances) of the surface of Pd lattice, mainly due of the Hydrogen or Deuterium ions screening by Pd valence electrons, the same for the graphene case. Also is proved the author's model of vortex assisted photon beta decay, when a laser photon makes this process much more probable by creating a spot (melt) in nucleon with suppressed order parameter that lowering the energy barrier for vortex crossing together with an heavy electron (bias current ) as resulting inside nucleons by a Schwinger effect due of the nucleon's inner Electro-Magnetic (EM) field. Then, if are used lasers of modest power it can appears a net gain of ~20. At this high coverage fraction, the H/D ions at a deep screening near ground state is followed by an electron expulsion, and of proton charge neutralized (like a neutron). Also, it is found that the entanglement of inside nucleons quarks can produce a permanent hologram (spacetime deformation) around nucleons, just when these one were born, respectively, at Universe Confinement Epoch. The spacetime deformed 10nm that permits the fall (Casimir effect attraction) of neighborhood nucleons if at this distance penetrates the screening of the ions (H/D) due of metal/graphene electrons, and of ions oneself electrons' production due of LASER irradiation, thus, it is created a battery effect and eventually the enhancement of ions fusion.

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