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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 5, Issue 6, 2018, Page No: 29-34

Estimation of Radiological Risk due to Natural Radioactivity Concentration in Soil Samples from Selected Towns in Isoko, Delta State

K. Emumejaye, B.T. Sawere

Science Laboratory Technology Department, Delta State Polytechnic, P.M.B. 5, Ozoro, Nigeria.

Citation : K. Emumejaye, B.T. Sawere, Estimation of Radiological Risk due to Natural Radioactivity Concentration in Soil Samples from Selected Towns in Isoko, Delta State International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2018, 5(6) : 29-34.


Activity concentrations of Eighteen (18) soil samples from selected towns in Isoko, Delta State of Nigeria were studied. Sodium Iodide NaI(Tl) detector was used for counting and detection of radionuclide content of all samples. Results of the samples analyzed showed that radioactivity concentration in of 40k, 232Th and 238U in the soil samples ranged from 58.28 to 584.31 with average concentration of 321.30; 0.21 to 15.72 with an average concentration of 7.97 and 9.27 to 230.80 with an average concentration of 120.04 respectively. The absorbed dose of 40k, 238U and 232Th range from 22.37nGy.h-1 to 171.52 nG.h-1 and the AEDE varied from 27.43 µSv/y to 210.35µSv/y. The radium equivalent dose values ranged from 41.49 to 365.34 . The Hex ranged from 0.1120 to 0.9865 and the Hin range from 0.1222 to 1.0320. The values of the radiological assessment indices obtained were observed to be within the permissible maximum values, hence the radiation hazards in the study area are negligible. Although the concentration at the time of this study poses no risk, further industrial activities in the study area may raise the activity concentration.

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