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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 4, Issue 8, 2017, Page No: 26-35

Mechanisms of Origin of Matter in the Model of the Universe with Minimum Initial Entropy

Petro O. Kondratenko

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Citation :Petro O. Kondratenko, Mechanisms of Origin of Matter in the Model of the Universe with Minimum Initial EntropyInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2017,4(8) : 26-35.


A probable mechanism of the matter creation in the Universe starting from the Big Bang, when the initial entropy was minimal (cold Universe),was proposed in the paper, and the nuclear reactions which have led to the creation of all stable and unstable nuclei presently known are shown. In particular, it has been shown that heavy nuclei, and then the rest of the nuclei, were born and multiplied from a primary matter, which appeared at the Big Bang, due to the fact that in the vicinity of atomic nuclei the substance particles are born in the form of bineutrons or clusters of three bineutrons due to Field energy. Heavy nuclei birth and their multiplication processes in the central regions of the stars are responsible for the stellar radiation. Similar processes in the central regions of the planets cause their heating. The proposed mechanism explains the high amount of hydrogen and helium in matter of the Universe.

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