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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 4, Issue 8, 2017, Page No: 4-13

Origin of a Planetary System in the Model of Universe with Minimum Initial Entropy

Petro O. Kondratenko

NationalAviationUniversity, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Citation :Petro O. Kondratenko, Origin of a Planetary System in the Model of Universe with Minimum Initial Entropy International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2017,4(8) : 4-13


Article is based on the model of birth of the Universe with minimum initial entropy that was developed by the author earlier and describes mechanism of star and planetary system birth. It is taken into account that the Universe that was born during Big Bang had a fractal structure and a limited amount of matter density. Created fractals were rotated with relativistic velocities. The new substance was joined into the Universe at a constant speed in the bineutrons form, which were created directly by Scalar Field. These bineutrons are created in the vicinity of atomic nuclei. Primary matter of the Universe consisted of such nuclei. With the expansion of the Universe localization region of star and planetary system was also expanding. Total angular momentum of the star and planetary system was also increased. Herewith a star has passed the phase when it had disk shape and its periphery was separated from the main mass of the star, forming the future of the planet. With a certain probability the primary star was divided into two or morestars. Resonant interactions between the orbits of the planets have led to natural arrangement of the planets in the equatorial plane of the star. It was shown that in the early stages of evolution of the Universe with high efficiency, it was heavy atoms that were born first. This explains the presence of unstable atomic nuclei in the world with a mass greater than Pb. It was concluded that heavy atoms form the basis of the central regions of stars and planets.

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