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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 4, Issue 7, 2017, Page No: 20-31

Latent Energy of the Universe

Stanislav I. Konstantinov

Department of Physical Electronics, Russian State Pedagogical University, St.Petersburg, RSC"Energy",Russia.

Citation :Stanislav I. Konstantinov, Latent Energy of the Universe International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2017,4(7) : 20-31.


The article presents an unconventional look at the physics of extracting the latent energy of the galactic and intergalactic quantum environment. Active influence on the system from the outside occurs when the dominant processes in the system are irreversible. The validity of this assertion is confirmed in the microcosm and in the macrocosm, and even in the cosmology of the universe. The article deals with thephysical principles of the microwave Roger Shawyer's engine EmDrive, Baurov's engine and Leonov's antigravityquantum engine, the Andrea Rossi's reactor E-cat, the Paul Bauman's generator "Testatik machine M/L Converter", Leo Sapogin's New Source of Energy, G.Shipov's torsion transmitting, the Nicola Tesla's Systems to wirelessly transmit Energy. Explain the principle of operation of these devices from the point of view of modern quantum-relativistic theory, based on the model of the physical vacuum, it is not possible. The laws of conservation of energy and momentum for these devices are only valid in the case of recognition of the existence of the quantum environment with positive density (dark matter), which the participates in all interactions in nature.

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