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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 4, Issue 5, 2017, Page No: 49-59

Strong Interactions in the Model of the Universe with Minimum Initial Entropy

Petro O. Kondratenko

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Citation :Petro O. Kondratenko,Strong Interactions in the Model of the Universe with Minimum Initial Entropy International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2017,4(5): 49-59.


The article considers the nature of the strong interaction in the Standard Model and in the model of the Universe with minimal initial entropy. It is shown that many of the shortcomings of the theory of the strong interaction, adopted in the Standard Model, are eliminated in the model of the Universe with minimal initial entropy. The new model is based on the fact that each particle in the fiber bundle of Super-Universe, with its mass is also the carrier of a Scalar Field. This Field is fully controls the emission and absorption of gluons, the birth of virtual pairs of particles from vacuum, a taking part of gluons and virtual particle pairs in the strong interaction processes. In the vicinity of hadrons or groups of hadrons with the same electric charges Scalar Field can produce only neutral pions. At the birth of the virtual pion Π° in the neighborhood of nucleon the energy Fields of the nucleon decreases. Moving to another nucleon pion is accompanied to the displacement of Field energy in the opposite direction. Return of the pion in the vacuum state recovers energy of nucleon Fields. The process of creation and recombination of virtual pairs is oscillatory process, which is repeated endlessly. The total scalar Field of the proton and the neutron has the ability to initiate a virtual pair (Π- Π+), that in the World-3 means the simultaneous formation of two quark virtual pairs -1/2d(α)1/2 d(α) and -1/2u(α)1/2 u(α) and their polarization in the Coulomb field of the proton and their conversion into two charged virtual pairs -1/2u(α)1/2 d(α) and -1/2d(α)1/2 u(α) the first of which corresponds to Π+, while the second - Π- .

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