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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 32-45

"Introducing the Duality Nature of Light": A Lesson Plan Developed from SSTELLA

Azita Seyed Fadaei

Farhangian University, Central Organization, Physics Department, Tehran, Iran

Citation :Azita Seyed Fadaei, "Introducing the Duality Nature of Light": A Lesson Plan Developed from SSTELLA International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2017,4(4) : 32-45


This paper is introducing the framework of a lesson activity in teaching duality nature of light in secondary level. The lesson activity is a sample developed of SSTELLA1 (Secondary Science Teaching with English Language and Literacy Acquisition) project, that reflects the reciprocal and synergistic relationships among science, language, and literacy. The study was started by analyzing the project during my opportunity as a scholar visiting at the University of California, Santa Cruz, USA. It takes two months of study by reading the resources, participating in teacher training classes, interviewing with experts and teacher-students and meeting with project researchers and leader. The lesson activity is trying to obey the project framework and it can help teachers and curriculum developer to investigate the main parameter to plan activities for an active teaching, depending on purpose of developer of educational projects.

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