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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-4 Issue-3, 2017, Page No: 1-23

Extraction Techniques for Isolation, Purification and Preconcentration of Bisphenols and Alkylphenols from Environmental and Food Samples

Małgorzat Mościpan1, Piotr P. Wieczorek2*

1.Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis “Blachownia”, ul. Energetyków 9, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland,
2.Opole University, Faculty of Chemistry, Pl. Kopernika 11a, OPOLE (Poland)

Citation : Małgorzat Mościpan, Piotr P. Wieczorek, Extraction Techniques for Isolation, Purification and Preconcentration of Bisphenols and Alkylphenols from Environmental and Food Samples International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2017;4(3):1-23.


In this review various methods which are found to apply to the extraction of bisphenols, alkylphenols and their derivatives from solid and liquid samples are presented. Comparison of these techniques in relation to their recovery values, selectivity and the opportunities garnered from applying a phenolic compound in diverse real samples is also discussed. Different extraction methods are presented like ultrasound or microwave assisted extraction, pressurized solvent extraction and matrix solid phase dispersion, as well as solid phase extraction (SPE) including molecularly imprinted polymers as novel and useful sorbents for SPE.

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