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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume 4, Issue 12, 2017, Page No: 24-31

Industrial Pollution and its Ill Effects on Aquatic Fauna

Sheikh.Afaq Gowhar

College of Public Health and Health Informatics, University of Ha'il, Ha'il Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Citation :Sheikh.Afaq Gowhar, Industrial Pollution and its Ill Effects on Aquatic Fauna International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science 2017,4(12) : 24-31


Industries and factories give off various pollutants into the environment including the land, air, and waters. It is estimated that about 50% of all pollution is as a result of industrial and manufacturing activities. Pollutants discharged from the industries have widespread implications, and one of the unpleasant effects is on water bodies. Industries demand lots of water for efficient production such as cooling, cleaning. Effects of two leather dyes were investigated on blood chemistry on fresh water fish Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.) MCV, TLC, and lymphocytes count with two leather dyes Bismarck brown and Acid leather brown with three different concentrations. The decreasing trend was observed in MCV on exposure to leather dyes. The effect was more with Acid leather brown exposure. The decreased MCV levels may be due to hypochromicmicrocytic anemia. The sub-lethal exposure of leather dyes results into significant increase in the TLC, Intoxication leather dyes induces leukocytosis in which TLC increases. The increasing trend in lymphocytes count were also observed on exposure to leather dyes. The aim of the study was to check out the effect of leather dye pollution on fish fauna.

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