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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume 4, Issue 10, 2017, Page No: 15-25

Physico-chemical Analysis and Mapping of Ground Water Quality in Residential Area of Two Different Zone of Central India

Arvind Prasad Dwivedi1* and Indra Prasad Tripathi2

1.Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Govt. Sanjay Gandhi Smrati Auto. P.G. College Sidhi M.P,India.
2Professor & Dean, Faculty of Science and Environment, M.G.C.G.V. Chitrakoot, Satna (Madhya Pradesh),India.

Citation :Arvind Prasad Dwivedi,Indra Prasad Tripathi, Physico-chemical Analysis and Mapping of Ground Water Quality in Residential Area of Two Different Zone of Central IndiaInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science 2017,4(10) : 15-25.


Madhya Pradesh literally means' central province' and is located in the geographic heart of India, between latitude 21.2°N-26.87°N and longitude 74°02'-82° 49'E.In the present study forty sampling location were selected from study area. The ground water samples of residential area in two different zone of central India were collected and analyzed for various physic-chemical parameters, i.e. Temperature 24.67°C to 26.87°C, pH 5.9 to 8.53, Turbidity 0.10 to 4.77, Total Hardness 191.67 to 926.67 mg/l, TDS 141.3 to 533.67 mg/l, DO 1.43 to 5.90, BOD 3.07to 19.17, COD 3.23 to 49.89, nitrate 0.09 to 6.47, Sulphate 0.01to186.3, Phosphate 0.001 to 2.83 mg/l, in water of residential area of two different zone of central India were found. Temperature, pH, Turbidity, nitrate and sulphate of all the samples of study area were found below the permissible limit prescribed by WHO. The results of analysis of ground water quality in residential area of two different zone of central India, it indicates that extent of pollution occurred due to the urbanization and other anthropogenic activities increased human interventions in the ground water quality.

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