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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-3 Issue-10, 2016, Page No: 16-26

Assessment of Concurrent Cellular Oxidative Stress with the Body Weight Gain in Serum of Obese Patients Undergoing to Surgical / Non-Surgical Strategies for Reducing an Excess Weight

Ahssan Ali Lefta1, Rasha Hasan Jasim1*

Department of Chemistry-Factually of Education for Girls-University of Kufa-Iraq

Citation : Ahssan Ali Lefta, Rasha Hasan Jasim, Assessment of Concurrent Cellular Oxidative Stress with the Body Weight Gain in Serum of Obese Patients Undergoing to Surgical / Non-Surgical Strategies for Reducing an Excess Weight International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2016;3(10):16-26.


Obesity is not a single disease, there are 300 different genes were linked to obesity, in addition to several environmental factors could be associate to obesity happening, while most considerations common indicted to the fact that obesity process is a result of an interaction of environmental factors with the genetic predisposition lead to fat accumulation and increased in the adipose tissues. Under normal conditions ROS and RNS are produced. This production balanced by number of acceptor electron molecules that synthesized cellular. An injured tissues caused by disorders in the balance between the production of reactive species of known as free radicals and antioxidants which is the defensive mechanism, through this status the raise in the oxidation processes will occur in contrast to the reduction in the synthesis of defense molecules.

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