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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-3 Issue-10, 2016, Page No: 1-15

Characterization and Stripping Voltammetric Study of Cu (II) Ions on Polypyrrole Incorporating Sulfosalicylic Acid Modified Gold Disk Electrode in Aqueous Medium

Refat Abdel-Hamid1, Hussein M. El-Sagher1,Amira yehya1

University of Sohag, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Sohag, Egypt

Citation : Refat Abdel-Hamid, Hussein M. El-Sagher, Amira yehya, Characterization and Stripping Voltammetric Study of Cu (II) Ions on Polypyrrole Incorporating Sulfosalicylic Acid Modified Gold Disk Electrode in Aqueous Medium International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2016;3(10):1-15.


The electrochemical characterization of copper (II)-5-sulfosalicylic acid complex [Cu(II)-SSA] in aqueous trifluoroacetic acid medium was studied by different techniques (linear sweep, cyclic voltammetry, and chronocoulometry) on gold-disk modified with polypyrrole 5-sulfosalicylic acid composite. Addition of 5-sulfosalicylic as a complexing agent during polypyrrole film formation substantially enhances the current signal. The composition of the complexes determined by plotting the peak current versus molar ratio, [SSA]/[Cu(II)]reveals the formation of two types of complex of 1:1 and 1:2 composition. Stripping voltammetric response of [Cu(II)-SSA] complex in aqueous medium was reported and discused. The optimum conditions, preconcentration potential, preconcentration time and scan rate were investigated and reported.

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