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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-8, 2015, Page No:14-18

Comparative Determination of Vitamin C and Iron in Ten (10) Locally Consumed Fruits in Gombe State, Nigeria

Wilson Lamayi Danbature, Fai Fredrick Yirankinyuki, Buhari Magaji and Zainab Ibrahim

Department of Chemistry, Gombe State University, Gombe, Nigeria.

Citation : Wilson Lamayi Danbature, Fai Fredrick Yirankinyuki, Buhari Magaji and Zainab Ibrahim, Comparative Determination of Vitamin C and Iron in Ten (10) Locally Consumed Fruits in Gombe State, Nigeria International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(8):1-13.


Fresh fruits are a good source of Vitamin C and iron. Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant and immune-enhancing effect while iron transportations oxygen through the body. The ascorbic acid and iron content of regularly consumed fruits were determined using spectro photometric method. A freshly prepared metaphosphoric acid was used to homogenized the sample for the determination of ascorbic acid while 1, 10- phenathroline was used for the spectro photometric iron determination. The research revealed that pawpaw, water melon and sweet melon have high content of vitamin C of 68.204, 68.204 and 65.7360mg/100g respectively whereas balanite aegyptiaca has the least (1.648mg/100g). Pawpaw, water melon and sweet melon have high iron content of 0.3490, 0.3080 and 0.2310mg/100g respectively whereas baobab has the least iron content of 0.0100mg/100g. It could be concluded that pawpaw, water melon and sweet melon are both rich in vitamin C and iron content and should be consumed especially by both pregnant women and children.

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