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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-6, 2015, Page No:28-33

The Nutritive Value and Amino Acid Characteristics of Solanum Aethiopicum Leaf Protein Concentrates


Department of Chemistry, Emmenuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo. Oyo State. Nigeria.

Citation : Sodamade.A.,Bolaji.O.S.,Owonikoko.A.D., The Nutritive Value and Amino Acid Characteristics of Solanum Aethiopicum Leaf Protein Concentrates International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(6):28-33.


Fresh sample of Solanum aethiopicum was purchased and processed for leaf protein concentrates to evaluate its chemical profile and amino acid characteristics. The leaf protein concentrates was produced from this species using village-level, low-cost techniques. The proximate composition, mineral constituents and Aminoacid profile were determine using standard analytical technique. The sample contain Moisture; (5.90±0.03g/100g), Crude fat; (2.77±0.02g/100g), Crude fibre; (2.77±0.02g/100g), Crudeprotein ; (28.92±0.50),Ash; (8.32±0.04g/100g), Nitrogen Free Extract;( 47.31±0.48g/100g). Fe and Zn are the abundant minerals in the sample. The amino acid profile reveals the presence of essential and non-essential amino acid including tryptohan and ornithine which are limiting amino acid in some plant sample.

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