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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-5, 2015, Page No:41-49

How to Prepare Didactic Experiments Related to Chemical Properties for Primary, Secondary and High School

Mireia Díaz-Lobo1*, Josep M. Fernández-Novell1

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona Barcelona, Spain

Citation : Mireia Díaz-Lobo,Josep M.Fernández-Novell, How to Prepare Didactic Experiments Related to Chemical Properties for Primary, Secondary and High School International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(5):41-49.


The article shows didactic experiments related to chemical properties which could be easily adapted to any educational level, from primary to high school. Moreover, through of these experiments, teachers could introduce diverse relevant concepts which are normally included in the curriculum of chemistry subject depend on the educational level. Furthermore, each of these didactic experiments is included in one of the three fundamental blocks of chemistry subject in Spain: 1) matter and its states, 2) acid-base reactions and 3) redox process. In addition, most of the experiments, which are described here, could be performed in school laboratories because they only need basic lab equipment and common chemical compounds. The main aim of the authors is to encourage school teachers to use educational practices, such as didactic experiments, as pedagogical tools to consolidate and integrate the knowledge that students receive in theoretical classes.

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