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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-5, 2015, Page No:33-40

Recovery and Synthesis of Guar Gum and its Derivatives

Mr.S.N.Nemade,Miss. Sweeti B.Sawarkar

1.Professor, Polymer Technology Department College of Engineering & Technology Akola, India
2.M.Tech. IInd year, Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Technology

Citation : Mr.S.N.Nemade,Miss.Sweeti B.Sawarkar, Recovery and Synthesis of Guar Gum and its Derivatives International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(5):33-40.


Despite the vast importance of green chemistry synthesis and characterization of natural biopolymers is need of time which eliminates the danger to health and environment. Polysaccharides are widely spread biopolymers with diversity of structure and properties. They are potential substitutes of petroleum-derived synthetic products because they are easily available, nontoxic, biodegradable and biocompatible. Due to their fascinating properties they are used as a rheological modifier in food, pharmaceutical, paper, textile, oil and drilling and score of other industrial and commercial sectors. Modification of hydrophilic backbone of these biopolymers diversifies and enhances its applications and functionality. Guar gum is an outstanding representative of green, ecofriendaly biopolymers This Review deals with structure, properties and potential uses of green biopolymer guar gum. Different methodologies to modify guar to enhance and diversify its properties and application range are discussed and reviewed. There is a high year-to-year variation in production of guar, and consequently, in exports of guar and its derivatives. Guar gum is mainly used in the food and bakery industry, the food safety concerns are becoming important for the guar processing industry. The preparedness of guar split and guar gum manufacturing industries for these food safety concerns, high fluctuations in area, production and productivity of guar seed, high volatile prices of guar seed and gum splits, are crucial limitations to the growth of guar industry.

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