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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-4, 2015, Page No:22-24

Synthesis of Mono-(4-Chlorothio) Phenyl Phosphate Ester and Its Characterization from IR Absorption Spectra

Asha Verma,Firdous Andleep

1.Proffessor, Department of Chemistry Govt. Science and Commerce College, Benazir, Bhopal.
2.Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry Govt. Science and Commerce College, Benazir, Bhopal.

Citation : Asha Verma,Firdous Andleep, Synthesis of Mono-(4-Chlorothio) Phenyl Phosphate Ester and Its Characterization from IR Absorption Spectra International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(4):22-24.


Mono-4-chlorothiophenyl phosphate ester has been synthesized by Auger and Dupis method in a ratio of 1:1 thiol and POCl3. The compound has been characterized by IR absorption spectra and elemental detection. The spectral study was conducted on KBr disc. IR spectra of mono-4-chlorothiophenyl phosphate ester clearly reveals different stretching frequencies of almost all the bonds present in the compound at their respective wave numbers.

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