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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-4, 2015, Page No:6-12

Panta Rei Function and Light Diversity (Exercise at Seventy-Two Decimal Places)

Janez Špringer

Cankarjeva cesta, Gornja Radgona, Slovenia, EU.

Citation : Janez Špringer, Panta Rei Function and Light Diversity (Exercise at Seventy-Two Decimal Places) International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(4):6-12.


In this paper one investigates the meaning ofthe constant intheE = mc2equivalenceand of it dependent panta-rei-functionas well as extends the validity of the model to the speed beyond .The maximal speed ofthe infinite self-mass equals the concerned constant. On the other hand the maximal speed of the zero self-massequals the maximal possible speed of the real self-masses in space.The difference is expected to be tiny: on the decimal or more. The extended model also provides imaginaryself-massesof photons whichcould explain the diversity in the speed of light and the beam divergence being proportional to the wavelength.

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