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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-12, 2015, Page No:47-53

Microdetermination of Trace Metal Ions Contamination of Water Samples by Using AAT

S. M. Bombatkar1*,G. H. Murhekar2, A. R. Raut3

1.Government Vidarbha Institute of Science And Humanities, Amravati, 444604 (M.S.), India
2.Department of chemistry, Dr. R. G. Rathod Arts and Science College, Murtizapur, India.

Citation : S.M.Bombatkar,G.H.Murhekar, A.R.Raut, Microdetermination of Trace Metal Ions Contamination of Water Samples by Using AAT International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(12):47-53.


The microdetermination of Trace metals contamination of water samples from various water samples were collected and was assess. The sampling points were selected on the basis of their importance. The heavy metals like Al, As , Co, Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn were analyzed in water samples of various chemical laborites, industries and two tanks . The results were compared with standards prescribed by WHO. It was found that the water was contaminated. Some sampling sites showed trace elements contamination above the water quality standards and the quality of water is very bad and it is unfit for drinking purpose.

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