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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-12, 2015, Page No:42-46

Measurement of Creatinine from Dried Blood spot by Enzymatic Method

Ransi Ann Abraham PhD1, Umesh Kapil2, S. K Aggarwal3, R. M. Pandey4, Meenakshi Sharma1, Lakshmy Ramakrishnan PhD1

1.Department of Cardiac Biochemistry.
2.Department of Human Nutrition.
3.Department of Nephrology.
4.Department of Biostatistics All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

Citation : Ransi Ann Abraham PhD,, Measurement of Creatinine from Dried Blood spot by Enzymatic Method International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(12):42-46.


Background: DBS on filter paper has been shown as a feasible matrix for collection, transport and analysis of biochemical analytes. Creatinine, is used as a marker of renal function and staging chronic kidney disease (CKD), often requiring repeated testing for drug dosing in patients who undergo dialysis or those who have had arenal transplant. Blood collected and dried on filter paper would be relatively less invasive in such patients for measurement of creatinine.
Method: Blood spots made on filter paper were used for creatinine estimation by enzymatic method and compared with measurement in plasma. The effect of storage was assessed on stability of creatinine in DBS.
Result: A good correlation was evident between plasma and dried blood on the day of collection and was stable till one week at room temperature as well as 4°C.
Conclusion: The study demonstrates feasibility and stability of dried blood for creatinine estimation. The method has the advantage of being less invasive and relatively painless.

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