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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-10, 2015, Page No:42-46

Extraction and Characterization of Catecholic Siderophores in Bacillus Sp.Isolated from the Mangrove Sediments

Chandra B. Maurya,V. N. Magare,Charuu P. Kulkarnii

1.Dept. of Chemistry, G.N. Khalsa College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mumbai
2.Dept. of Zoology, Kirti M. Doongursee College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai
3.Dept. of Chemistry, Kirti M. Doongursee College of Arts,Science and Commerce, Dadar (W), Mumbai

Citation : Chandra B. Maurya,V. N. Magare,Charuu P. Kulkarnii, Extraction and Characterization of Catecholic Siderophores in Bacillus Sp.Isolated from the Mangrove Sediments International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(10):42-46.


Iron is a requisite nutrient for the growth and proliferation of bacteria. The paucity of iron in the harsh environments such as mangrove has driven many bacteria to evolve sophisticated means to acquire iron from their surroundings, including the use of high-affinity iron chelates termed siderophores. These siderophores have important ecological and commercial applications. In view of this, an attempt was made to detect the presence of siderophores from some bacteria isolated from sediments collected from mangrove area. After detection, these siderophores were chemically characterized and the bacterial strain was phylogenetically identified.

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