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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-10, 2015, Page No:80-84

Modeling and Simulation of Methanation Catalytic Reactor in Ammonia Plant

Abdulrazzaq S.Abdullah*1, Ali A.Abdulabbas2,Akram A.Al-Asadi1

1.Southern Technical University, Technical Engineering College of Basrah, Petrochemical Engineering Department, Basrah-Iraq
2.State Company of Fertilizers South Region in Basrah

Citation : Abdulrazzaq S. Abdullah,Ali A.Abdulabbas, Akram A.Al-Asadi, Modeling and Simulation of Methanation Catalytic Reactor in Ammonia Plant International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(10):80-84.


The methanation reactor in the state company of fertilizers south region in Basrah is modeled and simulated. The one-dimension heterogeneous catalytic reaction model is predicated. The mole fraction, temperature, and pressure profiles are predicted by using a such model. Also, the profile of the effectiveness factor of the reactions are evaluated and it is reported that it decrease with the length of reactor. The results of simulated model show a good compatibility with the available industrial data.

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