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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-1 Issue-5, 2014, Page No:30-34

Teaching Chemistry from Laboratory Passive and Unilateral Methods to Active and Interactive (Bilateral) Methods

Serajiyan Ardestani.Maryam1,Dr.Badriyan.Abed2

Citation : Serajiyan Ardestani.Maryam,Dr.Badriyan.Abed, Teaching Chemistry from Laboratory Passive and Unilateral Methods to Active and Interactive (Bilateral) Methods International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2014;1(5):30-34.


In this paper, researcher, by library study of evolutionary and historical trend of teaching chemistry, and through descriptive and analytical method has tried to investigate and compare methods of teaching chemistry, to show the importance of modifying teaching methods from passive to active. Instability of presented contents in the classroom, in the minds of students, on the one hand and the low interest of students toward the contents of lessons, on the other hand is one of the issues that most of educational systems are suffered from it, which one of its main reasons is applying traditional and passive methods of teaching in the classroom. Therefore, the most effective methods of teaching can be using active and interactive (bilateral) methods, such as laboratory and testing. Studying and comparing results of performed researches will prove this important issue.

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