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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-1 Issue-10, 2014, Page No:38-40

Invention Disk of Nano-Particles of Silver Discs and Fast Adsorption Material to Treatment Water in Dam

Sawsan Mohamed Abu El Hassan Mosa

1.Department Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry
2.Suez Canal University, Faculty of Education el Arish
3.Shaqra University, Faculty of Art and science sajir

Citation : Sawsan Mohamed Abu El Hassan Mosa, Invention Disk of Nano-Particles of Silver Discs and Fast Adsorption Material to Treatment Water in Dam International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2014;1(10):38-40.


Study depending on using of two chemical compounds consists of silver nano –particle and a ceramic powder order to treatment water in dam. This disk fabrication by silver nano- particles and fast adsorption material as ceramic powder add to articles with specific focus of each even consists of articles and then allowed to dry at room temperature. It is necessary used this disk in tanks of water where give pure water and prevent growth of bacteria inside them and removal of the heavy metals by adsorption from aqueous solution without changing the character of water. Various adsorbents have different adsorption capacities for a few of the toxic metal ions. The best absorbent for pb+2 with ceramic and Mg+2 where this adsorbent material is suitable for adsorption of toxic metal ions

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