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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-1 Issue-10, 2014, Page No:1-4

Chemical Properties with Relation to Distribution of Meiobenthic Diversity in the Near Shore Waters off Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat, India

Larayetan R.A1,Aliyu A.O.C1,Ogunmola O2

1.Department of chemistry Kogi State University Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria
2.Department of Chemistry Emmanuel Alayande College of Education Oyo State, Nigeria

Citation : Larayetan R.A,Aliyu A.O.C,Ogunmola O, Chemical Properties with Relation to Distribution of Meiobenthic Diversity in the Near Shore Waters off Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat, India International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2014;1(10):1-4.


Twenty nine components were identified in the essential oils of the leaves and seeds of Callitris glauca by hydro distillation and were analysed by means of gas chromatography mass spectroscopy. (GC-MS).Twenty two components were found and identified in the leaf essential oil. The major components are aromandendrene (19.45%) α-limonene (i5.60%), santolinatriene (11.59%) and Patchoulene (6.09%).The oil yield was (0.18%)v/w of wet sample of the leaf essential oil and( 0.38%)v/w of the seed essential oil. Eleven components were identified in the seed essential oil with the main components being E-9-tetradecenyl-acetate (21.70%), Z-10-pentadecen-1-ol (21.80%), Hydrofol acid (18.1%), isooctanol (9.80%), trans-βocimene (5.50%), and IR-α-pinene (5.00%). The quantitative and qualitative compositions of the two essential oils were considerably different.

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