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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 34-38

Assessment of Growth Performance of Acacia catechu

Pankaj Jha1, Ram Asheshwar Mandal2*

1.Department of Forest and Soil Conservation.
*2.School of Environmental Science and Management.

Citation : Pankaj Jha, Ram Asheshwar Mandal, Assessment of Growth Performance of Acacia catechu International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany. 2019, 5(1) : 34-38.


Growth performance of any tree species is a major parameter to determine the felling rotation of that species. In Nepal, the growth performance of the Acacia catechu has not been assessed so far. Thus, this study was objectively carried out to assess the mean annual volume growth according to blocks and provenances. The Breeding Seed Orchard of Siraha district was selected for the study site. Both primary and secondary data were collected. The diameters and heights were measured using Diameter tape, Abney's level and linear tape. Total enumeration was done to collect the data so altogether 2520 plants were measured. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The average volume in 2018 was found to be highest in Block D with 0.0186m³ and lowest in Block A with 0.0130m³ . The mean annual volume increment was found to be highest in Block D i.e. 0.0031m³ in 2018 and lowest in Block A i.e. 0.0022m³ . Here, the mean annual volume increment was found to be higher in 2018 as compared to 2016. The average volume of A. catechu was the highest around 0.0072 m³ in 2016 of Dhanusha (Dharapani) while it was the highest around 0.0191 m³ in 2018 of Dhading (Benighat) provenance. It was the highest mean annual volume increment 0.0018 m³ of Dhanusha (Dharapani) provenance in 2016 while it was the highest mean annual increment about 0.0032 in Sunsari (Parkashpur) prominence in 2018. The growth performance of this species will be useful to determine the rotation.

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