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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 14-18

New Chemical Compounds Isolated from the Stem Bark of Talipariti Elatum Sw. in Cuba

Jose Gonzalez1*,Armando Cuellar1,Julio Perez2,Max Monan3,Enrique Gomez1

1.Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy and Foods, Havana University.
2.National Center of Toxicology, Military Hospital "Carlos J. Finlay", Havana.
3.ARVARNAM, Martinica, France.

Citation :New Chemical Compounds Isolated from the Stem Bark of Talipariti Elatum Sw. in Cuba International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany. 2018, 4(1) : 14-18


Stem Bark of Talipariti elatum Sw. was extracted by Soxhlet with toluene. After extracts concentration, the sample was processed with CHCl3 that allow getting a precipitate. The phytochemical studies of stem bark of Talipariti elatum have led to the identification of two triterpenoids: friedelin and fridelinol, an esterified triterpenoid, three alcohols and one aromatic acid. The structures of these compounds were identified by analysis of GC/MS data and comparison with values of literature.

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