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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 16-23

Food Crop Diversity and Growth Enhancement Support Scheme a Panacea to Food Security in Nigeria

Aghale, Duke Nduka1*, Umeh, Ogechi. J.2Anyim. Alozie3

1. Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.
2. Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.
3. Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria.

Citation : Aghale, Duke Nduka, Umeh, Ogechi. J., Anyim, Alozie, Food Crop Diversity and Growth Enhancement Support Scheme a Panacea to Food Security in Nigeria, International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany 2017,3(4):16-23.


It has been realized that one of the most pressing problems facing our country is that of immediate increase and diversification of our food supplies in order to sustain the ever increasing population growth at a sufficiently high level of nutrition. As a result of pressure from human activities and economic necessity, many food crops are disappearing from our tables, thus depleting the nation's food resources and contrary to the production of food for local consumption at affordable prices, which has the greatest opportunity on the basis of 'a kobo saved is as good as kobo earned'. Loss of the crop biodiversity has seriously damaged small scale farmer's livelihood despite the growth enhancement support scheme and also drastically reduced the potentials of food sustainability. Recently, out of the 30 cultivated species of food crops that provided 90%of human calorific food supply in Nigeria, only 15 stands between mankind and starvation. Inculcating food crop diversity in the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme ensures exploitation of more alternatives to maintaining current output of a major crop and simultaneously initiating increase in the production of the alternatives. Diversification will bring about reduction on the dependency of the established food crops hence reducing the current high market prices to affordable price level.

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